Sunday, September 26, 2010


I was told that the fourth blogpost entry for the week does not have to relate at all to American Conversation.  And so, with those words, this blogpost begins:

As some of you may know, I received a pet betta fish last week.  His name is Alejandro.  He's the basically coolest fish on campus and the official corridor mascot of Hoyme 4 South (represent).  I received him as a surprise gift, and it was all kind of overwhelming at first.  I mean, I already had responsibilities of homework and class, and now a fish too?!  Needless to say, I got kind of stressed.  My roommate even bet that Alejandro wouldn't last more than 10 days...(I'll show her!)  But now that Alejandro's going strong on his ninth day, I've figured out that this pet betta fish is essentially the perfect pet for me. Here's a few reasons why:

1- He is low maintenance.
I feed him every other day, change his water once a week.  Piece of cake.

2- He's a conversation starter.
Ever since I posted a sign on my door saying "Come meet my new fish!" I haven't had a problem meeting new people.

3- He's a good distraction from homework.
Don't get me wrong, I get my homework done, but Alejandro is entertaining to watch between pages and pages of reading.  And he's the only other living thing in my room when my roomie is gone.

4- He keeps me company.
I moved here from Kansas knowing just a few people who go to St. Olaf.  Alejandro keeps my mind off of missing my friends and family back home too much.  He's my new buddy.

Although this post was filled with a little sarcasm, there's some seriousness in it as well.  Ever since my roommate made the "10 day bet" I've been determined to win that bet.  So tomorrow, when I wake up and find Alejandro still swimming, I'll be smiling :)

^ My new friend.

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