Thursday, September 16, 2010

What is The American Dream?

After reading Cullen's introduction to The American Dream and re-reading Foner's introduction, the idea that struck me to be the most similar between the two was the fact that America's dreams and freedoms are always changing.  Freedom is a collection of ideas from many, many Americans over hundreds of years.  The idea itself gives hope and dreams to people, just as Foner stated.  As Foner said, "Freedom is both an idea and a practice."  This, to me, directly relates to the idea of positive and negative freedom.  In my opinion, negative freedom is the "idea" and positive freedom is the "practice".  This idea of American freedom is to be able to do whatever I please, and the practice is to have the control...
I'm most curious to hear what other people's idea of The American Dream is.  In Cullen's introduction, he talked about the change of The American Dream throughout history.  When I think of The American Dream, I think of Cullen's latest accounts of it:  The big home ownership, family, successful job, and even fame.  But I think that everyone's interpretation is different just as both authors have stated.  Many Americans' dreams are full of equality and I'm interested to hear what my fellow classmates have to say about their idea of The American Dream.

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