Thursday, September 16, 2010

Free Speech and Disagreement

Today, I really enjoyed our class discussion about the readings.  My favorite part of the conversation was being able to connect each reading with the other two.  It really helped me understand how they related to one another and helped me to focus on the “bigger picture”.  
I found it to be especially interesting when Athena shared her insight of Chinese culture with the rest of the class.  In many Americans opinions, Chinese government’s control of the internet is a terrible thing- taking away an essential freedom… When she pointed out that she does not view it as a bad thing because it’s keeping their people from being afraid or scared, it gave me a better understanding of their culture.
Overall, my favorite reading/listening assignment was the podcast on “The Great Textbook Wars”.  I found this to be the most relevant to me because I’ve grown up hearing about what is “right” or “wrong” to be taught in schools.  In my home state of Kansas, there was a big controversy over whether or not evolution should be taught in public schools just a few years ago.  In my opinion, the most important thing is having a wide and diverse selection of authors to choose from because this will cultivate the best learning environment for students.

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