Friday, March 4, 2011

America #1 No More?

I just finished reading a really interesting article from Time Magazine online. Title of the article: "Are America's Best Days Behind Us?" I strongly recommend anyone from our class to read all of most of the article because although much of our class is spent talking about America in the past, America today is very important for how we use the information we will learn from this class to better ourselves and society in the future.

The gist of the article is the fear of the U.S. not remaining "Number 1" anymore and what our government and people can do to help. It is written by a legal immigrant and speaks of the many problems with our government AND the solutions. The article even references back to the Founding Fathers.

Quote from the columnist: "America's success has made it sclerotic. We have sat on top of the world for almost a century, and our repeated economic, political and military victories have made us quite sure that we are destined to be No. 1 forever. We have some advantages. Size matters: when crises come, they do not overwhelm a country as big as the U.S. When the financial crisis hit nations such as Greece and Ireland, it dwarfed them. In the U.S., the problems occurred within the context of a $15 trillion economy and in a country that still has the trust of the world. Over the past three years, in the wake of the financial crisis, U.S. borrowing costs have gone down, not up."

Please copy and paste into your search bar, and read the full article here!:,8599,2056610-1,00.html


  1. Thanks Liza, I'm definitely going to read this! Probably make a blog with my input too. :D

  2. Liza, I think you are absolutely right that the role of the USA in the larger world is shifting and that is why it is so important for you to be thinking about what can be carried forward as well as what new is needed. LDL
