Friday, March 4, 2011


Today we ended our class period by basically talking about the effectiveness, or non-effectiveness, of bipartisanships. There were many students in our class who believed that having a bipartisanship in America is not the best for our country and proposed that we have other systems such as centralized government, parliament, or a three political parties. Listening to all of this made me realize how vast of opinions my classmates have when it comes to politics and government, and reconsider my own predisposition of bipartisanship obviously being the best for the U.S... There are some things that I think work well in bipartisanships though.
1.) As other students such as Petra said, I like being able to know that even when I'm in the minority, I'm not really in the minority because it's usually about 50-50.
2.) This knowledge lends itself to me believing that every election I might have a chance for the party I'm supporting to win.
3.) Bipartisanship originally means the chance for the opponents to work together after a government is formed... I guess sometimes number three is forgotten and we may feel as if they are "screaming at each other" as one student mentioned today.

So we may, as a class, agree to disagree on this subject.. but that's okay. It's what democracy is all about. To me, the benefit of having a two-party system is mainly that Americans can feel as though their votes will be valuable in election where the odds are 1:1 and not 1:3 or more.

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