Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Sentence

From Friday's class period assignment:

Take a sentence from McLoughlin's work and re-write it using the same sentence structure with a different subject of your choosing...

Original Sentence: During the Second Great Awakening the conservative pietists of the East gradually merged with the more radical pietists of the efforts to get all the unwashed masses washed in the Blood of the Lamb before deism, Unitarianism and Jacobinical mob rule put an end to the concept of a Christian commonwealth.

Revised Sentence: During her final year of high school Liza chose to attend St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota in order to obtain a degree in Economics instead of attending school for journalism, fashion design or mass media at larger state universities closer to home.

Not sure if I completely got the gist of this assignment but, I understand the idea of utilizing a longer sentence structure...

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